Is History an excuse?

<em>Traverses</em>, n°36, 1986

Michel Melot, an archivist paleographer (prom. 1967) and the former director of the Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel, gives a lecture entitled "Is History an excuse? "as part of the bicentenary celebrations of the École des Chartes - PSL.

In 1986, the Traverses journal published in an issue on L'Archive the article by Michel Melot entitled "Archives considered as a hallucinogenic substance" which provoked debate, notably at the École des Chartes - PSL. He was the first to be surprised, having written this article as a pleasant paradox. It was a question of showing the illusion of an integral conservation of documents under the pretext of writing History. How did it evolve under the era of massive digital archiving, the challenges it presents and the means it requires?

16 March 2021
Culture - Conférence
École nationale des chartes - PSL

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2021-03-16 19:00 2021-03-16 21:00 Europe/Paris Is History an excuse? Visioconférence