MSCA Conference speakers - Romain Juillard

Romain Juillard is a researcher at the Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO) of the Muséum since 1999, he was director of the lab from 2015 to 2019.

He contributed to the development and scientific coordination of the Vigie-nature scheme. After 20 years of popular (100,000 cumulated participants), scientific (more than 100 publications) and political (contribution to sustainable development indicators) success of these participatory sciences, he took over the direction in 2020 of Mosaic, a web platform and new service unit dedicated to the methodological and technical support of projects of all disciplines based on participatory data production.
Within citizen science, Mosaic is specialized in an original method of data production. The competence center assists projects aiming at collecting structured data (based on protocols/guidelines), often combining observations based on basic human skills with situated data, user’s knowledge, data enriched with high value information that only each individual participant can provide. Such data are then shared among participants, and interactions such as comments, validation, complementation, are encouraged and organized. This leads on the one hand to high value data, often innovative compared to other form of data production, and on the other hand, to empowered participants that acquire knowledge and skills through their participation, as well than to structured communities.