
How to request changing your preferred first name


A new unified procedure allows PSL students to use their preferred first name during their studies at the university. It was voted and decided by the university's board of directors on October 7, 2021.

Bibliothèque Mines Paris - PSL

The process of changing one's first name is available to all students enrolled in one of PSL's Component Schools, even if the change has not yet been recorded in the civil registry. The preferred first name will be included in administrative documents (except for diplomas), see below.

The request can be made at any time during the academic year and it must be renewed each year using the attached form that should be sent to the transidentity advisor at the host institution.

Once the request has been accepted, the university services will ensure that the confidentiality of the civil status is enforced and that the preferred first name is used on the documents listed below.



Documents that will use the preferred first name

Documents that cannot use the preferred first name unless official registries state the change

  • Student card or professional ID card ;
  • Library ID card ;
  • Email address ;
  • Digital apps (Moodle, ENT, personal pages in student registry software…) ;
  • Lists for roll calls ;
  • Listes for internal elections ;
  • Results lists ;
  •  Mails between the person and the University or the Schools.


  • Degree awarded ;
  • Doctoral contracts, work contracts ;
  • Internship agreement ;
  • Personal grade records ;
  • Certificate of achievement ;
  • Certificate of attendance at the University ;
  • Statement of grants.



List and contact of the advisors:

  • PSL EPE: Sarah Asset et Nathalie Vieira ( ;
  • Dauphine – PSL: Guillemette Yver ( ;
  • ENS – PSL: Anne Françoise Benhamou ( ;
  • ENC – PSL: Egina Santoromito (  ;
  • ENSCP – PSL: Pascale Baverel ( ;
  • ESPCI Paris – PSL: Teresa Lopez Leon ( ;
  • Mines Paris – PSL: Béatrice Rocher ( ;
  • CNSAD – PSL: Eliott Marès et Maud Girault ( ;
  • Observatoire de Paris – PSL: Géraldine Gaillant ( ;
  • EPHE – PSL: Laure Carreau (
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Once completed, the form must be sent to the transidentity advisor of the enrolling institution.