
Meet the 10 winners of the proof-of-concept call for proposals
14 May 2018
They are creating start-ups and transfering knowledge and technology to the business world: meet the 10 winners of the...
L'équipe EPICS au complet à la Cité des Sciences
"Seeing the rise of a passion for science in children inspires us"
11 May 2018
The student association EPICS (Public Exhibition of Inventions and Scientific Creations), winner of the call for student...
Éric Calais, géologue, professeur à l’ENS présentant les enjeux de la tectonique des plaques aujourd’hui.
50 Years of Plate Tectonics: Then, Now, and Beyond Interview with Eric Calais
09 May 2018
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the theory of plate tectonics, the Geosciences department at ENS, with support from...
Alain Fuchs (président de l'Université PSL) et Michael Arthur (président de UCL) lors de la signature du partenariat PSL-UCL
New UCL-PSL joint research seed funding launched
16 April 2018
UCL and Université PSL have strengthened their partnership with the launch of a joint funding scheme to support...
Patrick Bernard (ENS) et Marc Hoffmann (Paris-Dauphine) dans l'espace Henri Cartan de l'ENS
“Mathematics and applications” Master's degree: reaching across the boundaries between disciplines to train tomorrow’s experts and researchers
10 April 2018
In fall 2018, PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) is launching a Master's degree in “Mathematics and applications,” a...
Etudiante de l'EnaMoMa, Fashion School by PSL, lors de l'atelier colorants naturels organisé à l'EnsAD
EnaMoMa students learn about eco-design and 100% natural colors
09 April 2018
From hand-made clothing to haute couture, workwear and accessories, EnaMoMa, Ecole Nationale de Mode et Matière by PSL,...
Jeune scientifique de l'ESPCI (Université PSL) dans un laboratoire de recherche auteur Proxima
8 winners of ERC Advanced Grants
09 April 2018
The European Research Council announced on April 6th the selection of the winners of the "ERC Advanced Grant 2017."...
Etudiantes de l'Université PSL traversant l'école nationale des Beaux-Arts
2018 Summer classes and Summer Schools at PSL
04 April 2018
Fashion, Mathematics, Arts, Biology, Epistemology….find all the courses, programs and research meetings in all...
Membres de l'Union PSL pour la Semaine de la Pensée
Semaine de la Pensée: exchanging together around gender inequalities
03 April 2018
This 2018 April begins with a big spring event for the PSL Community:la Semaine de la Pensée - the Week of Thought! A...